Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Be Gentle with Thomas

"Do not doubt but believe." John 20:27

How gentle Jesus was with Thomas.  Thomas should have been with the other disciples to see the resurrected Jesus.  He, at least, should have been with those witnesses to hear what they had seen, to see the sincerity and awe in their faces.  But, he wasn’t there.  And, Thomas doubted.  Thomas had to touch, see, handle before he would think about believing.

Now, I’ve heard a-many sermon on doubt.  I’ve preached a few (Lord, have mercy).  I seen a preacher pace the platform and beat on the doubters with amplified words.  I’ve seen preachers with fingers pointed, as if to call out the doubters in his very midst, dividing the sheep from the goats.  I’ve heard the preacher hold the souls of the doubters over the flames of hell, trying to singe them into belief.

But, Jesus was so gentle with Thomas.  “Here, Thomas, touch.  Look, Thomas, see.  Don’t doubt.  Believe.  And, blessed are those who believe without seeing these things.”

Not shouting.  Not amplifying the shame.  Not employing threats of hell.

I am reminded of the words of Jude, “Be merciful to those who doubt” (Jude 1:22).

What would it look like for me to be merciful to those who doubt?  What would it look like when a doubter encountered gentleness and mercy?  I suspect it would like Jesus had walked through the walls, claimed the room, and spoke to a doubting friend.