"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." Isaiah 43:19 NLT
This verse from Isaiah is a commonly used scripture when a new pastor is beginning at a new charge or a new DS is starting a tenure. And, indeed, I'm new. So, some things will be different.
I'm a lot taller than Dallas. Well, not really.
I've got a lot more hair than he does. Not true.
My pants tend to be longer than his. NOW THERE IS A REAL CHANGE!
He was a pastor in the Potomac Highlands District before becoming superintendent. I've been in the Greenbrier District for 17 years. I don't know the churches, the roads, the back stories like Dallas did.
I have children still at home. This Fall I'll be going to band performances on Fridays and ball games on Wednesdays. I'll be guarding most of my Saturdays for family time. I may not be available like Dallas was.
I'm a different person. I'll live out the roll differently. How so? I don't really know yet. But, it'll be different.
In the Isaiah scripture the Lord says that a pathway will be made in the wilderness and rivers will be created in the dry wasteland. This act of salvation will be similar to, but different from, Israel's journey out of Egypt and through the sea. This time they will come out of exile in the north and return to the land through the wilderness. God is saving, but in a new way. In a nutshell, the Lord is saying, "I'm saving you, like I saved your ancestors, but I'm doing it in a new way. Now, remember that I am a savior, but forget how I did it in the past. I'm doing a new thing."
For those of us who resist change, let's remember that the Spirit still leads us. But, that same Holy Spirit leads us in new ways. To be included in what God is doing today we often need to forget how God's work was done in the past and to be willing to join God in a new thing.
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